Sunday, August 30, 2009

Birthday Gift

It's guest writer again tonight. Today, I took child one and child two to Wal-Mart and Kroger by myself. All I can say is God is good. I have learned that child one can't walk by himself for very long with out throwing alot of random boxes in the cart. So I put him in the big part of the shopping cart. I must say that works so much better. We might go on more adventures now that I have figured out the best way to restrain him in the store. I was in child ones room playing with him and his brother when number one decided he had to go to the bathroom. I asked him if he had to pee pee and he said yes. He has gotten really good at going by himself so I was waited about a minute and then I was midway up he runs into his room with his hands out in front. Mommy I - yes it is what you think. Okay, if you know me very well then you know I am like having a fit. But I keep calm and say it's okay just stand right there. I got him all cleaned up and then he did it again when the husband arrived. I have to say that I always get a good laugh when the husband has to clean up. You can hear him gagging and he has his shirt pulled up over is face. Do any of your husbands do the same thing? By the way if you read this blog then I think you should leave comments. Even if we don't know you. The husband had told child one that if he was good today we would get his birthday gift out - well he was really good so we got it out. Pictures attached. Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what I have to look forward to!! ha The bounce house looks like it's a lot of fun!!!
