Saturday, October 9, 2010

Zoo and Pumpkin Patch

We have had a very busy day and have another busy day planned for tomorrow but we are having lots of fun! This morning we went to the Zoo and then to a pumpkin patch. The boys had lots of fun but as you can tell by all of the pictures - they would not sit still or smile for a good Fall picture. Oh, well I still love the memories of the ones that I did get :)

Monday, October 4, 2010


It is starting to look like fall!! We went for a walk tonight and it was so nice. I also noticed that alot of our neighbors have their fall stuff out - I need to get on the ball and get ours done.

I went to school open house last Thursday night for Jax. Riley will be having his later. I found out that Jax is doing great and that the girls think he is handsome and the King - I probably should be worried about the King part. I am not sure where it came from but I hope Jax did not give himself that title. I wish I wrote down some of his sayings- the kid is funny!

Riley did not want to take the following pictures unless he had is baby (pacifier and blanket). He knows when it is bedtime. I can't wait to break the pacifier habit!

Birthday Party Pictures

These are really late but I wanted to get them posted. Jax finally had his Birthday Party on the 25th. We waited because a girl in his class has a birthday the day before his and then he shares a birthday with another boy in his class. So, I thought we could wait to have our party and maybe it would be a little cooler - and it was! I think everyone had a great time making a superhero cape. It is so hard to believe my little baby is 4. I know I say that alot but it really hit me this year because all of the Kindergarten open houses are going on right now. He would have to test into a Magnet and the test is in February. The Husband and I decided to wait another year before he starts Kindergarten. The cut off is a September birthday so he would slip by but I don't want him being the youngest in his class. So, my baby still has one more year before he will start school.
Riley is doing great! He really likes school now. I am so thankful because I was going to have to make a playroom at the store so he could stay with me all day. Not sure what my business partner would have thought :)