Sunday, December 5, 2010

Santa pictures

Jax really wanted to see Santa so we told him we would take him Tuesday. Well, Monday morning he asked me if it was Tuesday so we took them to see Santa Tuesday night. Jax and Riley had both made their Santa letter so we gathered those up and headed out. When Jax saw Santa he practically ran ahead of the other kids. Luckily we only had 2 kids in front of us. As soon as the last child got off of Santa's lap Jax ran and jumped up on his lap. Jax had his letter in his hand but Santa told him to put it in the mailbox. Santa wanted to make sure that he did not lose the letter :) I thought he took a great picture. Now, Riley was next but as soon as we started walking towards Santa he lost it. So, for the 2nd year in a row I sat on Santa's lap holding a crying, kicking and screaming Riley.


I know this is late but I thought I would finally do some post. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed all of the time we got to spend with family. It was wonderful to just have a few days to spend with Jax and Riley and just enjoy ourselves. We are so Blessed!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Card

Christmas Card Pictures - How I love the fun pictures to look at year after year but this year is going to be a major challenge. Here are the problems 1. Jax needs a haircut (really needs a haircut) 2. Riley needs a haircut 3. Neither one will stay still long enough for a picture 4. If one smiles the other one is standing on his head 5. I have about 50 more of these reasons but the main reason is they are 2 and 4 and all boy. So we are all getting haircuts Saturday and I have some ideas of how we might be able to get at least a presentable picture (not a brotherly love picture) just a picture with both of them actually looking at the camera and kind of smiling. As you can see from the pictures I attached they will not sit down together. I might need to invest in photo shop.

4 Year Check UP

We finally got around to taken Jax in for his 4 year check up. I really had waited because if you are not familiar with checkups/wellness visits the 4 year is one of the worst. Here is all that he had to do for this visit.
Eye test - had to read the 2nd to last line and it was a mixture of shapes, symbols and letters (I could not read all of them)

finger prick - Jax hates this

pee pee in a cup - Let's just say this was not fun for either one of us.

weight - 41.5 lbs.

Height - 43 in. (he is so tall)

answer the doctors questions -which he did very well

and finally he had to get 3 shots. Now he has gotten 3 shots at once but now that he is older it is worst. He did start telling all of the nurses when we got to the office that he didn't need a shot.

It was a long morning but we all survived! Here are some random pictures of our little funny man.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

More party pictures

Here are a few more pictures from the birthday party.

Birthday Party

We had a sweet little family birthday party for Riley on Saturday. I think he had a lot of fun seeing all of the Dig Dig's and blowing out his birthday candles. He likes to blow them out right after you light them. He then tried to dig into the cake with his spoon! Jax wanted to help Riley with everything (blowing out his candles, opening is gifts, etc.)

I have more pictures that I will try and post later. Blogger is just taking way to long.

You just wonder what they were thinking?

It is sad when I say this is a good family picture. I can't even bribe them to sit still. Maybe one day!

This is Riley's new balance bike. No training wheels or pedals. He went all around the neighborhood on it yesterday morning.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pictures from November 11

I am finally able to load the pictures from November 11, 2010.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday!!

Two years ago today God blessed us with our precious Riley man.

Riley you are such a sweet, happy, silly little guy. You make us life so much especially when you and your brother start acting silly with each other. We thought your brother was a picky eater but you win that award. Your number one love is a Dig Dig. Everything is either a Dig Dig or a lawn mower. We have to sing the dig dig song and the lawn mower song every night. In the last 2 weeks your vocabulary has grown so much, you are saying 2-3 words at a time. You can make some of the funniest faces. You now want your daddy with you at all times. You are learning so much from your brother, monkey see...monkey do.

I will try and post pictures again tomorrow. I have been waiting for over an hour to get these posted and they just want go.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Trick or Treat

Jax had so much fun Trick or Treating this year. He wanted to be a fireman so I made him a costume because I just could not stand the plastic ones. I wanted Riley to be a dalmatian but never could find a costume in his size. I tried to make him one but couldn't find a white sweatsuit in his size either. We decided Riley could use an old costume that we had. Good thing we didn't buy anything because after the husband was finally able to get the turtle costume on him he decided to shed his shell in the driveway before we left. Not having a costume did not stop him from going up and saying his version of trick or treat. Jax loved hanging out with the girls (all of the new neighbors have girls that are four). I leave you with pictures of my fireman, my turtle shedding his shell and our massive amount of candy.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Zoo and Pumpkin Patch

We have had a very busy day and have another busy day planned for tomorrow but we are having lots of fun! This morning we went to the Zoo and then to a pumpkin patch. The boys had lots of fun but as you can tell by all of the pictures - they would not sit still or smile for a good Fall picture. Oh, well I still love the memories of the ones that I did get :)

Monday, October 4, 2010


It is starting to look like fall!! We went for a walk tonight and it was so nice. I also noticed that alot of our neighbors have their fall stuff out - I need to get on the ball and get ours done.

I went to school open house last Thursday night for Jax. Riley will be having his later. I found out that Jax is doing great and that the girls think he is handsome and the King - I probably should be worried about the King part. I am not sure where it came from but I hope Jax did not give himself that title. I wish I wrote down some of his sayings- the kid is funny!

Riley did not want to take the following pictures unless he had is baby (pacifier and blanket). He knows when it is bedtime. I can't wait to break the pacifier habit!

Birthday Party Pictures

These are really late but I wanted to get them posted. Jax finally had his Birthday Party on the 25th. We waited because a girl in his class has a birthday the day before his and then he shares a birthday with another boy in his class. So, I thought we could wait to have our party and maybe it would be a little cooler - and it was! I think everyone had a great time making a superhero cape. It is so hard to believe my little baby is 4. I know I say that alot but it really hit me this year because all of the Kindergarten open houses are going on right now. He would have to test into a Magnet and the test is in February. The Husband and I decided to wait another year before he starts Kindergarten. The cut off is a September birthday so he would slip by but I don't want him being the youngest in his class. So, my baby still has one more year before he will start school.
Riley is doing great! He really likes school now. I am so thankful because I was going to have to make a playroom at the store so he could stay with me all day. Not sure what my business partner would have thought :)

Monday, September 13, 2010


It is hard to believe Jax man is 4. Where does the time go. He had a great day today. The husband and I brought cupcakes to his class this afternoon. He shares a birthday with another little boy in his class so his mom brought drinks, and chips. We aren't having his friend birthday party until the 25th so hopefully it will be a little cooler.

Here is what Jax is up to at 4:

  • He can right his name.
  • He can count to at least 50

  • He can recognize letters and words.
  • He can put big floor puzzles together with no problems
  • He loves to build stuff

  • He is constantly thinking and putting stuff together

  • He is so tall

  • and thin!

We love you so much Jax man!!

Pictures from today, breakfast this morning, school party and then party with mom, dad, Riley and Honey.