Monday, September 13, 2010


It is hard to believe Jax man is 4. Where does the time go. He had a great day today. The husband and I brought cupcakes to his class this afternoon. He shares a birthday with another little boy in his class so his mom brought drinks, and chips. We aren't having his friend birthday party until the 25th so hopefully it will be a little cooler.

Here is what Jax is up to at 4:

  • He can right his name.
  • He can count to at least 50

  • He can recognize letters and words.
  • He can put big floor puzzles together with no problems
  • He loves to build stuff

  • He is constantly thinking and putting stuff together

  • He is so tall

  • and thin!

We love you so much Jax man!!

Pictures from today, breakfast this morning, school party and then party with mom, dad, Riley and Honey.