Sunday, April 11, 2010


That was the temperature reading last night with Jax. Riley's fever started about an hour and a half before Jax. Right before bath time we noticed Riley was just laying his head down and his eyes were glazed over. The Husband was headed to take Jax to bed when Riley woke up on me and started throwing up. So another bath and then we got Jax in Bed - that is when his fever started (102). Riley's fever stayed really high for about three hours and the same for Jax. The Husband and I stayed up rocking Riley and sleeping on Jax's floor for most of the night. Riley finally went to sleep and slept all night. Jax kept waking up so The Husband slept on the floor in his room half the night and I slept the other half. Now, Jax is crying because he thinks we should do that every night. He just came in our room saying he has a fever. The battles we have with this boy. Oh, great he woke Riley up. Please pray we all get some sleep tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hope ya'll are doing better. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to have 2 sick kiddos on your hands. I'm praying that ya'll stay well. :)
