Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for both boys. The husband and I both went so he could meet both teachers. We walked in and went to Riley's class first. Jax was so excited to take his little brother (baby as he calls him) to his class. Riley was not so excited. He did not know what was happening. His teacher and both helpers are very sweet and already knew Riley because of Jax. Next we walked Jax to his new class and he ran in gave his teacher a hug and then us a hug. He loves school and that makes me sooooo happy! I picked Riley up right after lunch and he was chasing his teacher crying. She was trying to get some of the other kids asleep and he was so confused (he was not the only child like that). When I walked up he ran to me and was just shaking. His teacher said he played most of the time but got upset a little before lunch. I know he is going to get the hang of it but it is hard to see him upset. I leave you with pictures from this morning. I am not sure why we can't all just stand side beside and take a good picture for mommy :) I know Riley has a bottle in the first picture but that is a battle we can deal with.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


These last few weeks have been so busy that I have not had time to post. So I have a ton of pictures.

The boys are growing so fast. It is amazing how much Jax has matured. This week I have loved to watch them play together. Oh, how they love each other and fight like brothers. I just watch and smile. Jax has been such a big helper with Riley - he loves to send him to time out and to tell him why he is in trouble :)

Riley is now 21 months and:

has gotten his back teeth but is still missing some.

tells us when he needs to go to the bathroom - but does not understand how to go on the potty.

loves to brush his teeth and get his hair fixed in the morning.

still likes to snuggle.

loves to play chase.

vocabulary is still growing strong.

Jax is now 47 months and:

is such a little man.

has grown so tall.

likes to tell you he has long legs :)

talks about rhyming all the time

I took Jax to a friends birthday today and he entertained everyone by singing and dancing. Yes, my sweet little boy was trying to karaoke and he was busting some moves. I could not stop laughing. I don't think he is shy.